Monday, September 12, 2005

Suffering and Compassion

This is just my own thought.

Lately, there are a lot of events around me kept me thinking about the word suffering and the word compassion.
I was introduced with an area in west of Nairobi, Kenya called Kibera. Kibera is the largest urban slum in East Africa with more than 700,000 people. Most of its inhabitants live below the poverty line and the prevalence of adult HIV/AIDS infection is estimated at 25%.
Before that, I was introduced to the Redlight District of Sonagchi in Calcutta, India. There are more than 7,000 prostitues 'operate' in this area alone. Children who were borned in this area are the lowest of the pecking order and often ill-treated.

Many more places around the world bare the same sad stories.
Lately, hurricane Katrina wiped out basically the whole city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Thousands of people lost their home, their belonging and their family members.

Why there are so much suffering in this world? (to be continue.....)


At 2:48 AM, Blogger Sontoloyo said...

i think it's because a human kind miss the attention around us.So nature give us a chance over and over again to pay attention to others.
It's a collective conciousness thingy.


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